Integration of Power Transmission Grids (InGRID) - Prospects and Challenges at National and European Levels in advancing the energy transition

Norwegian Research Council

Socio-technical analysis of electricity transmission grids – Norway, UK & Germany in a European context

InGrid has three main objectives:

- The primary objective of this project is to generate new knowledge about the institutional, technological, and economical, challenges related to the transformation of transmission power grids across Europe to make way for greater energy systems integration that, in turn, can facilitate longterm, sustainable restructuring of European countries’ energy systems, efficient use of renewable energy sources, power system flexibility, and further increasing the shares of renewable energy. This new knowledge is useful for informing decision makers in policy and industry in a time of farreaching change in European power systems.
- The second objective is to improve our theoretical understanding of both transnational governance challenges and technological complementarities for socio-technical transitions.
- The third objective is to understand the current performance and ongoing transformation in the field of power transmission technology.

InGrid is financed by the Norwegian Research Council through the ENERGIX programme.