Call for abstracts: European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation 2022 conference

14 January 2022

This year’s Eu-SPRI 2022 conference “Challenging Science and Innovation Policy” will take place 1-3 June in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Innogen Director Theo Papaioannou and Lukas Fuchs at Eindhoven University of Technology are organising a special session on the ethics and politics of science, technology & innovation policy. Abstracts for this session should be submitted by the 15th February.

The aim of this SPRI 2022 session is to bridge the gulf between normative political theory and STI policy by examining the ethico-political and/or philosophical foundations and justifications for the design and implementation of certain types of STI policies. 

The organisers encourage the submission of abstracts addressing one or more of the following questions:

  • Which political ideals (e.g. justice, equality, autonomy) should science and innovation policies be aimed at?
  • How do democratic processes interact with STI policy?
  • What is the role of the individual in design and implementation?
  • What are the ethical limits of ‘public entrepreneurship’?
  • What is the difference between a political and an economic conception of the value of innovation?
  • What is the underlying picture of the state in science and innovation policy?
  • How can the discourse on Responsible Research and Innovation (Stilgoe et al. 2013) be expanded to guide missions?
  • What vision or theory of justice (Rawls 1999) can guide a legitimate state of innovation?
  • How can the notion of ‘public value’ guide science and innovation policy?


All proposals should be submitted by the 15th February and made through

Further information about the conference can be found here: