Policy & governance of innovative technologies

Regulations, standards and guidelines to ensure safety, quality and efficacy are an integral part of the development of technological advances, particularly in life sciences. Innogen’s research on the governance systems we adopt for innovative technologies, how such choices are made and their impact on future innovation trajectories, the fate of future sectors of the economy, and the competitive advantage of nations, is internationally unique.


Innogen researchers speak out about the value and fair diffusion of COVID-19 vaccines

21 January 2021

Innogen researchers have been featured in national and international media outlets addressing some of the questions that the vaccine roll-out has raised.

Restructuring the regulation of genetic technologies in the UK

13 September 2021

As a member of the Regulatory Horizons Council, Joyce Tait led the development of a report to the UK Government proposing how innovative genetic technologies for use in agriculture and food production should be regulated post-Brexit.

In Conversation event: Innovation policy in the UK post-Brexit

24 March 2022

On the 17th March, Innogen Director, Theo Papaioannou, chaired a discussion with Chris Warkup, Visiting Professor, The Open University, and Graeme Reid, Professor of Science and Research Policy, UCL, on the UK’s innovation policy.

Innogen at Science and the Parliament event

2 December 2022

On the 23rd of November, Theo Papaioannou, Monica Hoyos Flight and Joyce Tait attended the 22nd annual Science and the Parliament conference at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh. The event organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is designed to foster close relations with policymakers and key stakeholders.