Global health & development

Debate around health systems often focuses on lives saved by new or improved medicines and fails to consider the long-term development of scientific research capacity in low and middle income countries, and how this affects the health of a country’s population and its economic growth. A recognition that health, education and industrial policy are interlinked is at the core of Innogen’s approach.


Meet our Researchers: Dr Katie Adam

20 February 2020

We speak with Dr Katie Adam, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow working on interdisciplinary animal health projects. She trained as a veterinary surgeon at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh and holds a master’s degree in Aquatic Medicine from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science. Before joining Innogen, she worked in clinical veterinary practice and as a field epidemiologist, researching endemic animal diseases. 

National COVID-19 testing strategy analysis

15 October 2020

Innogen member Smita Srinivas and co-authors analyse COVID-19 testing in different countries. They highlight the need to take the industrial organisation of health systems within countries into account for testing strategies to be successful.

Innogen Annual Meeting

3 June 2021

On the 24th May over 30 Innogen members from the Open University and the University of Edinburgh participated in the Institute’s virtual meeting. Following the keynote presentation by Prof. Smita Srinivas on ‘The What, When, How of Policy for Technological Capabilities’, various PIs and PhD students gave short presentations on their work and future plans. Over the course of the day, they were able to exchange ideas and identify new opportunities for collaboration and funding.

Innogen annual meeting 2023

22 June 2023

Innogen researchers and PhD students at The Open University and The University of Edinburgh gathered at The Open University Campus in Milton Keynes on the 1st-2nd June to present their latest research and discuss future plans.

Innogen contributes to TIBA initiatives

27 June 2019

Geoff Banda, Innogen co-Director and TIBA Work Package leader, has been involved in delivering an intellectual property workshop in Johannesburg and the development of the ‘Research for Health and Innovation Strategy for Africa’.