Structure-Function Analysis of SEFARI

The Scottish Government

The aim of this project is to analyse how the five Scottish research providers that are members of the SEFARI (Scottish Environment, Food and Agriculture Research Institutes) consortium currently relate to their collective identity as SEFARI, how they benefit from the collective identity, and how the SEFARI identity can best contribute to the next cycle of funding (2021 onwards) alongside other research providers, centres of expertise and organisations.

The SEFARI consortium is comprised of: The James Hutton Institute, Moredun Research Institute, The Rowett Institute, Scotland’s Rural College, and Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland.

The Scottish Government Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) has commissioned this project to understand how the collective activities of these organisations as SEFARI currently contribute to coordinate their research, how SEFARI and other research providers could best contribute in future to deliver RESAS’ research aims, and how future RESAS-led funding should be deployed to deliver these benefits.

In light of the results, RESAS will optimise the design of the next cycle of funding beyond 2021 to deliver the best outcomes from Scotland's research assets.